Building resilience – strengthening the capacity of communities to survive shocks – is a key priority of the Anglican Alliance. But what makes communities resilient? What does resilience look like? What are its characteristics? Here, Janice Proud, the Anglican Alliance’s relief manager, shares the findings from a grass-roots exploration of these questions in Zimbabwe. Janice […]
Written by Annam Arumanayagam, Anglican Alliance facilitator for East Asia. Tucked away in the Upper Delta region is a little village which has seen the power of God’s Word transforming their lives and local church. The small Anglican church in Bawine Village is an example of the success of the Church and Community Mobilisation Process […]
En esa semana Anglican Alliance visitó la Diocese de Cuba para aprender más sobre su misión y el programa de desarrollo misionero (PDM). En todas las partes de la Comunión, Anglican Alliance busca comprender modelos locales de misión holística (integral), los cuales puedan ser compartidos para inspiración unos de otros y para el aprendizaje. En […]
This week the Anglican Alliance has visited the Episcopal Diocese of Cuba to learn more about its mission and development programme. In every part of the Communion, the Anglican Alliance seeks to understand local models of holistic mission which can be shared for mutual inspiration and learning. In this article Revd Rachel Carnegie, Co-Executive Director, […]