
Resilience and disaster response

Our priority work areas…

Thriving communities

Our priority work areas…

Safeguarding creation

Our priority work areas…

Tackling inequalities

Our priority work areas…

People on the move

Our priority work areas…

Anglican Alliance

The Anglican Alliance exists to connect, equip and inspire the worldwide Anglican family to work for a world free of poverty and injustice and to safeguard creation.

In everything we do, we seek to be ‘midwives of hope’ as we pursue a Kingdom vision that is about good news, abundant life for all and a flourishing planet.

In focus

Agents of Change

Partners in Response & Resilience

The Communion Forest

Latest news

Accompaniment Visit to South Sudan

Accompaniment Visit to South Sudan

The Anglican Alliance, in partnership with Episcopal Relief & Development, supported a team of three accompaniers to visit the Episcopal Church of South Sudan and their outreach agency the South Sudanese Development and Relief Agency in July to enhance and...

Building Resilience in Latin America and the Caribbean

Building Resilience in Latin America and the Caribbean

Representatives from across Latin America and the Caribbean met in Panama at the beginning of November for a Partners in Resilience and Response Regional Steering Group meeting following on from the regional Resilience Course. ‘We shared, we learned, we put together a...

Hope and light across the Anglican Communion