On this page are some examples of Anglicans connecting and sharing best practice across the Communion. Please let us know of other examples so we can add to this page.
NB: See also our page on Communion-wide initiatives for information about: the Anglican Communion Environmental Network; the Eco-Bishops; the Anglican Communion’s engagement with the United Nations; and statements and resolutions of the Anglican Consultative Council and Lambeth Conferences.
Pastors and Disasters – building resilience

Caribbean regional training in disaster preparedness and resilience using the Pastors and Disasters toolkit.

Resilience workshop in Zimbabwe: Strengthening communities, strengthening resilience.
Gatherings to share knowledge and experience
In August 2019, the Diocese of Lincoln and the University of Lincoln in the UK jointly hosted a climate change conference that brought together perspectives from science and faith from Polynesia, Aotearoa New Zealand and the United States. A round up of day one is here and day two videos of the sessions are here. The Archbishop of Canterbury’s message to the conference is here.
South American Anglicans meet to discuss joint action on climate change
Migration caused by Climate Change. In January 2019 a round table was convened at Lambeth Palace under the aegis of the Archbishop of Canterbury to explore migration caused by climate change, focusing on small island states. The programme included powerful contributions from people directly affected by climate change together with distinguished academics, diplomats, faith leaders and faith-based organisations from affected regions. A detailed report with videos of the sessions and further links can be accessed here: people forced from home by climate change.

Working with others
Anglicans are working with other organisations, agencies and campaigns, such as Renew Our World. See their excellent blog: The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.
The Anglican Alliance provides a convening platform after disasters for the co-ordination of responses across the Communion and sometimes to help in fund-raising appeals: working together.