The Episcopal Church of the Sudan
The subsistent farmer’s food security is precarious because of the low acreage and low productivity. Farmers are also dependent on rainfall only. When drought strike, the farmer experience failure of crops and hence certain famine.
A farmer using an ox- plough can increase his/ her acreage to 10-15 acres in one-month cultivation. This increases the household land area of crops three times in a year. Other benefits of this method of cultivation are that the farmer (household) has time to weed his/ her crops early thus improving the productivity of his farm. During training of the farmer, he/she also gets the knowledge of improved agricultural techniques that can increase the yield of his crops.
i) To increase acreage of each family
ii) To reduce incidents of famines
iii) To enable each family to produce enough food for itself and stop relief food operations
iv) To improve farmers agricultural knowledge and techniques through extension programs
v) To use ox-plough training centers as demonstration and extension centers also
vi) To train 12 extension workers to disseminate modern agricultural techniques
vii) To supply 400 good quality ox-ploughs to 400 households
viii) To train 400 households in ox-plough draft technology
The training of farmers takes 3-4 weeks from March to May. Each household (farmer) will be offered only one plough so that nobody is deprived a chance to get one. Schools may be offered more than one plough if they bring their bulls for training.
The Diocesan Development committee will be in charge of the project. Ox-plough training centres will train a farmer who brings two oxen (bulls) for 3-4 weeks after which he/ she gets a plough. During the training period the farmer will also be introduced to improved agricultural techniques to be him or her increase crop production. Animal health principles will also be taught to the farmer to take good care of his/ her bulls.
The Diocese is to employ two agricultural experts to train the farmers and extensionists. Each extension will supervise 50 farmers. The duties of an extensions Agent shall include keeping record of farmers’ acres, crop yields, annual rainfall, pest infestations and animal health problems. Each extension would be required to establish a demonstration from his/ her area.
The Diocesan Development Committee plans to cover 2,000 household in five years and train 50 extension Agents for the program. A supply of 400 ploughs in a year would expedite the programme indeed.
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