Anti Poverty Week event “Close Shave”

St George's Cathedral


The Anglican Church of Australia




Every year the churches host an ecumenical Anti Poverty Week service, this year, the Anglican Diocese of Perth hosted the event in St George’s Cathedral. The event highlighted the fact that poverty is growing in Australia, with an estimated 2.5 million people or 13.9% of all people living below the internationally accepted poverty line (this figure includes 603,000 or 17.7% of all Australian children).


The theme “Close Shave” reminds us that we are all just one step away from experiencing poverty. 


The event began with an ecumenical service (with address from Mr Ian Carter AM), and was followed by a light lunch, entertainment from the barbershop quartet ‘RefriDgerator’, free haircuts and shaves, and church agency information stalls.


80 people attended the ecumenical service from Anglican, Baptist, Catholic, Salvation Army and Uniting Churches. The Council of Churches were also represented. 

More than 80 people were fed and 18 homeless people had their hair cut. 

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