Welcoming the New Regional Facilitator for the Middle East
The Anglican Alliance are pleased to welcome Joel Kelling as the first Regional Facilitator for the Middle East. In this new role, Joel will work both as the Regional Facilitator for the Anglican Alliance, and also as the Provincial Administrator for the Province of...
Iglesia Episcopal de El Salvador: reconstruyendo esperanza en comunidades después del trauma
La semana pasada Anglican Alliance visitó la Diocese Episcopal de El Salvador para aprender más sobre su misión e actividades de desarrollo. En todas las partes de la Comunión, Anglican Alliance busca comprender modelos locales de misión holística/integral, los cuales...
Episcopal Church of El Salvador: Rebuilding hope in communities after trauma
During July the Anglican Alliance visited the Episcopal Diocese of El Salvador to learn more about its mission and development activities. In every part of the Communion, the Anglican Alliance seeks to understand local models of holistic mission which can be shared...
E-CARE Housing Withstands Earthquake in the Philippines
From Episcopal Relief & Development Amidst the news of a strong, 6.5-magnitude earthquake in Leyte – the island in the Philippines most severely hit by Typhoon Haiyan in 2014 – we received an amazing email from Floyd Lalwet, Provincial Secretary and National...
Agents of Change workshop in Diocese of the Windward Islands
[from ACNS] A three day workshop has taken place in Kingstown, the capital of St Vincent and the Grenadines, aimed at helping people set up a development project in their local community, as part of the ‘Agents of Change’ programme. The workshop was attended by...
Iglesia Episcopal de Cuba trabaja con comunidades para transformar vidas
En esa semana Anglican Alliance visitó la Diocese de Cuba para aprender más sobre su misión y el programa de desarrollo misionero (PDM). En todas las partes de la Comunión, Anglican Alliance busca comprender modelos locales de misión holística (integral), los cuales...
Episcopal Church of Cuba works with communities to transform lives
This week the Anglican Alliance has visited the Episcopal Diocese of Cuba to learn more about its mission and development programme. In every part of the Communion, the Anglican Alliance seeks to understand local models of holistic mission which can be shared for...
Scotland hosts UK Anglican/Episcopal online meeting
Article from Scottish Faiths Action for Refugees Anglicans from across the UK contributed to an online meeting hosted by Scottish Faiths Action for Refugees and the Anglican Alliance earlier today (3 July 2017). The online meeting which was organised from Edinburgh...
World Refugee Week Day 4: Focus on South Sudanese refugees in Uganda
This week, during World Refugee Week, the Anglican Alliance is showcasing examples where Anglican and Episcopal churches around the world are responding to refugees with practical assistance, welcoming refugees in to their communities and discovering mutual enrichment...
World Refugee Week Day 3: Focus on Cyprus
This week, during World Refugee Week, the Anglican Alliance is showcasing examples where Anglican and Episcopal churches around the world are responding to refugees with practical assistance, welcoming refugees in to their communities and discovering mutual enrichment...
World Refugee Week Day 2: Focus on Canterbury, UK
This week, during World Refugee Week, the Anglican Alliance is showcasing examples where Anglican and Episcopal churches around the world are responding to refugees with practical assistance, welcoming refugees in to their communities and discovering mutual enrichment...
World Refugee Week Day 1: Focus on Jordan
This week, during World Refugee Week, the Anglican Alliance is showcasing examples where Anglican and Episcopal churches around the world are responding to refugees with practical assistance, welcoming refugees in to their communities and discovering mutual enrichment...