Since February 2020, the Anglican Alliance has been convening regional and global consultations with participants from across the Communion to share learning about their experiences of COVID-19 and how the churches are responding. Although it is a time of great uncertainty and anxiety, it is also a time of deepening connections as people pray together […]
At this time of extraordinary change and anxiety across the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Anglican Church of Melanesia is facing an additional trauma with the onslaught of a tropical cyclone. Cyclone Harold formed off the Solomon Islands in early April and caused loss of life and damage in those islands before moving […]
The world is facing two crises: one is the COVID-19 pandemic; the other is the environmental and climate emergency. Once we begin to emerge from the first, we will still be facing the second. And its impacts will be catastrophic if urgent and far reaching action is not taken to address it. April 22 is […]
The Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is now affecting every part of the world, disrupting people’s lives and creating fear, anxiety, sorrow and hardship. Where can we find strength and hope at this troubling time? What might faith look like in a time of COVID-19? How might God be calling us to respond to the impacts of […]
“As individuals we cannot go out, but the church as a body can reach out,” Dr John Otoo. Until recently, Asia, Europe and the USA have been the hotspots of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, nowhere is immune. This week, the Anglican Alliance and the Council of Anglican Provinces in Africa (CAPA) jointly convened an online […]
La pandemia global COVID-19 está afectando ahora todas las partes de la Comunión. Siguiendo consejos oficiales de salud pública, las iglesias están suspendiendo los servicios de adoración pública y otras reuniones. Esto es vital para prevenir la propagación del virus, salvar las vidas de los más vulnerables y proteger los servicios de salud de verse […]
A pandemia global COVID-19 está agora impactando todas os cantos da Comunhão. Seguindo conselhos oficiais de saúde pública, as igrejas estão suspendendo serviços de culto público e outras reuniões. Isso é vital para evitar a propagação do vírus, salvar as vidas das pessoas mais vulneráveis e proteger os serviços de saúde de sobrecarga. Em muitas partes do mundo, as igrejas foram para […]
La pandémie mondiale COVID-19 a maintenant un impact sur toutes les parties de la Communion. À la suite de conseils officiels de santé publique, les églises suspendent les services de culte public et d’autres rassemblements. Ceci est essentiel pour prévenir la propagation du virus, sauver la vie des plus vulnérables et protéger les services de […]
The COVID-19 global pandemic is now impacting on every part of the Communion. Following official public health advice, churches are suspending public worship services and other gatherings. This is vital to prevent the spread of the virus, save the lives of the most vulnerable, and protect the health services from being overwhelmed by cases. In […]
Cada canto da Comunhão Anglican está agora respondendo em algum nível à pandemia COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Algumas províncias têm lidado com a situação há mais tempo e há lições importantes a serem aprendidas de suas respostas pastorais e práticas que promovem a saúde pública, sustentam um senso de comunidade e constroem esperança. Acima de tudo, é hora de nos reconhecermos como o […]