Join us in a Day of Prayer for Peace on Friday 23 February

Join us in a Day of Prayer for Peace on Friday 23 February

On 23 February, the Friday of the first week of Lent, the Anglican Alliance and the Anglican Communion are supporting the call of Pope Francis for an ecumenical day of fasting and prayer for peace in solidarity with the people of South Sudan and DRC. Janice Proud,...
Agents of Change workshop in Diocese of the Windward Islands

Agents of Change workshop in Diocese of the Windward Islands

[from ACNS] A three day workshop has taken place in Kingstown, the capital of St Vincent and the Grenadines, aimed at helping people set up a development project in their local community,  as part of the ‘Agents of Change’ programme.  The workshop was attended by...
Iglesia Episcopal de Cuba trabaja con comunidades para transformar vidas

Episcopal Church of Cuba works with communities to transform lives

This week the Anglican Alliance has visited the Episcopal Diocese of Cuba to learn more about its mission and development programme. In every part of the Communion, the Anglican Alliance seeks to understand local models of holistic mission which can be shared for...
Anglican Alliance joins ecumenical statement for World Refugee Day

Anglican Alliance joins ecumenical statement for World Refugee Day

The Anglican Alliance has today joined a group of 20 Christian organisations in issuing a statement to mark World Refugee Day. The statement celebrates the opportunities for solidarity and learning that come with opening our arms to welcome refugees, and calls for...