Province de L'Eglise Anglicane Du Congo
Elikya Carpentry Centre has been built with the financial support of ARDF. The local community offered the land to the Diocese of Aru, where the Centre is built.
The Diocese of Aru has also provided machines for the centre. Elikya Carpentry Centre involves training young people to make furniture, which they can then sell.
The Centre helps the local community to make furniture and our machines are much used and help many local Carpenters to easily make their furniture.
We use a Generator to run these machines. We have a good and skilled team: a Director, 2 trainers, 3 carpenters and 2 watchmen.
153 young people have been trained in carpentry and have obtained their certificate.
The apprentice Banio Miria has completed his training; he has got his own carpentry and makes furniture for the local community for sale.
He said, “I make the furniture, sale it and earn money. I was useless, but I am now useful for my family and the community. I make chairs, tables, benches, doors, windows …
With the money earned, I begin to pay fees for my children, I make a small contribution when there is a problem in the society and I give regularly the offering in my church. I am grateful to the Anglican Church which has trained me for life.”
Mr Adjio was a former militia and was selected to be trained in Elikya Carpentry Centre. He is grateful for ARDF and the Diocese of Aru.
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