Una vez cada tres años se celebra una reunión del Consejo Consultivo Anglicano (CCA), a la que se invita a representantes de cada una de las 42 provincias (iglesias miembros) de la Comunión Anglicana. Durante el tiempo que pasan juntos, los miembros oran, hacer...
Uma vez a cada três anos, há uma reunião do Conselho Consultivo Anglicano (CCA), uma reunião para a qual são convidados representantes de cada uma das 42 províncias (igrejas-membro) da Comunhão Anglicana. Durante seu tempo juntos, os membros oram, celebram, estudam a...
Une fois tous les trois ans, le Conseil Consultatif Anglican (CCA) se réunit. Il s’agit d’une rencontre à laquelle sont invités des représentants de chacune des 42 provinces (églises membres) de la Communion Anglicane. Au cours de cette réunion, les...
Once every three years, there is a meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council (ACC), a gathering to which representatives from each of the 42 provinces (member churches) of the Anglican Communion are invited. During their time together, members pray, worship, study...
Anglican responses to Ukraine emergency one year on On February 24, 2022, Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine. Since that day, life has been shattered for millions of Ukrainians, who were forced to flee to safety while loved ones stayed to defend their country....
It has been a devastating 48 hours since the world received the appalling news of two major earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. The confirmed death toll continues to rise, passing 11,000 by Wednesday afternoon. The World Health Organization projects the toll could pass...