Paulo Ueti, Anglican Alliance Regional Facilitator for Latin America and the Caribbean, reports here on a workshop with indigenous women in Gambia, Colombia, to facilitate learning on economic empowerment and gender-based violence through Contextual Bible Studies.
L’Eglise Episcopalienne du Soudan-Sud et du Soudan (EESSS) poursuit son œuvre d’inspiration humanitaire pour secourir les communautés touchées par le conflit au Soudan Sud, et demande maintenant à la Communion Anglicane de soutenir leur appel pour la phase II. Les Nations Unies ont averti qu’il s’agissait de la pire crise alimentaire au monde et qu’elle risquait de se transformer en famine.
Across the Anglican Communion people are adding their voices to the Oceans of Justice petition, in support of Pacific Islanders who are calling on the Australian Government to take action on climate change.
Archbishop Francisco da Silva, the Primate of Brazil, the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, and the Primate of Australia Philip Freier, are among those joining the worldwide call for prayer as Christians and minority groups are forced from their homes and the conflict in Iraq continues.
Paulo Ueti, Anglican Alliance Regional Facilitator for Latin America and the Caribbean, joined Episcopal Relief & Development and the Anglican Service of Diaconia and Development in Colombia to facilitate workshops and share best practice on development themes.
Churches across West Africa are calling on the Anglican Communion to pray for those affected by the Ebola virus as it continues to spread across the region.
Church members in the Diocese of Mbeere, Kenya, are taking part in the Umoja/Church Community Mobilisation (CCM) process and are using their local resources to create sustainable livelihoods for themselves and their community.
The Diocese of Jerusalem has launched an urgent appeal for the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza to continue its crucial health services to those injured and impacted by the recent conflict.
The Archbishop of Canterbury continues to give inspiring leadership to the movement within and beyond the Church to end slavery in modern times. He invites churches to come together to mark Freedom Sunday on 19 October 2014.
The Episcopal Church of South Sudan & Sudan (ECSSS) continues its inspirational humanitarian work to assist communities affected by the conflict in South Sudan and now asks the Anglican Communion to support their Phase II appeal. The UN has warned that this is the worst food crisis in the world and could turn into famine.