Half a million children starving in Yemen

Half a million children starving in Yemen

Today in Yemen is one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises – yet it is rarely in the eye of the international media. In the midst of a terrible conflict, more than 7 million people in Yemen do not know where their next meal will come from. Children are dying from...

Engaging churches to #EndGBV – watch the webinar here

A recent online event, hosted by the Anglican Alliance and the International Anglican Women’s Network (IAWN) as part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence, highlighted the role of churches worldwide in tackling gender-based violence and speaking out for...
Together We Can Do More: The Church and People with Disabilities

Together We Can Do More: The Church and People with Disabilities

On the International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2016, the Anglican Alliance’s Relief and Programmes Manager Dr Janice Proud shares on the work of the Church worldwide and what we can do to better promote inclusion: A key part of the Sustainable Development...
Anglicans worldwide raise awareness on World AIDS Day 2016

Anglicans worldwide raise awareness on World AIDS Day 2016

Anglicans across the Communion are marking World AIDS Day on 1 December 2016 to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS and help end the epidemic. Joining this year’s UNAIDS #HIVprevention campaign, Anglicans have held events and church services, released videos and shared photos...