The largest storm ever recorded in the region struck the islands of Fiji over the weekend, after causing widespread damage in Tonga. The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia is already working to assess the damage and begin its response.
The response of Anglican churches and other faith communities to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa can serve as a model for addressing other epidemics, the Anglican Alliance heard yesterday.
The Episcopal Church in the Philippines (ECP) celebrated a milestone in its relief and development ministry in late 2015, with the handing over of 30 houses built together with families whose homes were destroyed by Typhoon Haiyan.
The Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil has joined with other churches in the country to raise awareness of the Zika virus and promote preventative measures through an ecumenical Lenten campaign for a healthy environment.
Many churches and agencies in the Anglican Communion produce resources for prayer and reflection during Lent. Below is a sampling of 2016 resources that link this prayer and reflection to the call to respond to human need, address injustice, build peace and safeguard creation.
Mientras los Primados de la Comunión Anglicana se reunían en la ciudad de Canterbury, Inglaterra en la segunda semana de enero, la Co-Directora Ejecutiva de la Alianza Anglicana, la Reverenda Rachel Carnegie hace una reflexión sobre como los lazos de la Comunión representan el más profundo significado en nuestro mundo atribulado y sufrido.
Bishops from Equatoria, South Sudan, have given harrowing accounts of how recent conflict is affecting local communities and urged the Anglican Alliance and Anglican partners to advocate for relief assistance.
The COP21 climate summit in Paris concluded with a landmark Agreement aimed at tackling the rise in global temperatures. In this analysis Prof. Dr David Morales of the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil (IEAB) takes a look at the achievements and challenges of what he views as the “first universal climate deal in human history”.
Enquanto os Primazes da Comunhão Anglicana se reúnem em Cantuária, Inglaterra, a co-diretora executiva da Aliança Anglicana Revda. Rachel Carnegie reflete como os laços as Comunhão possuem um significado profundo em nosso mundo sofrido e turbulento.
As the Primates of the Anglican Communion gather this week in Canterbury, Anglican Alliance Co-Executive Director, the Revd Rachel Carnegie reflects how the bonds of the Communion have the deepest possible significance in our troubled and suffering world.