
Launching Freedom Year!

01 Feb 2018

This year the Anglican Alliance is inviting you to join us as we learn more about human trafficking and modern slavery in the world today, pray for change, and take action to end it.

Today we are launching Freedom Year. Each month there will be key themes with activities and prayer points, which will take us on a journey to find out more about human trafficking, take action, and encourage us to learn from each other as we join the fight against human trafficking and modern slavery worldwide.

You can download the Freedom Year booklet here

The booklet is also available in Portuguese, Spanish and French.

Throughout the year we will be adding activities and resources to our dedicated website page at:

You can also follow the updates on social media, and share your news and activities with us, using the hashtag #ChurchesAgainstTrafficking.


And we’ll be sending newsletter updates, so sign up to our mailing list at

We will be building up to a month of focused prayer and advocacy in July – Freedom Month – which we invite you and your church to join us in. This culminates in the International Day against Trafficking in Persons on 30 July.

We cannot tackle this global crime alone. We need prayer for God’s guidance and we need each other. At the Anglican Alliance we work very closely with the Salvation Army and Caritas Internationalis.

We hope that you will reach out to Christians in other churches and to others in government and agencies who are working to end modern slavery and human trafficking.

We hope that this year you will be encouraged to connect with people around the world, to learn from each other, and to recognise the crucial role that churches play in the fight against human trafficking.

Do get in touch and let us know how you get involved!