
Communion-wide initiatives on the environment and climate change

This page is a gateway to the environmental and climate change initiatives that operate at Communion-wide level. Click on the following links to find out more about…

  1. The most recent Anglican Consultative Council resolutions on climate change and the environment
  2. Resolutions from Lambeth conferences
  3. The Anglican Communion Environmental Network (ACEN)
  4. The Eco-Bishops, including ‘The World is Our Host’ statement
  5. Green Anglicans – the Facebook page for both the ACEN and the Anglican Church of Southern Africa Environmental Network (also called Green Anglicans:
  6. The Anglican Communion has a Presence at the United Nations and is accredited to the UN Environment Assembly. Reports, papers and resolutions coming out of the ACO UN’s office on the environment can be found here.
  7. The Anglican Alliance