In this video Tagolyn outlines her role at the C20 and talks about why it is important that climate change is on the agenda for the leaders of the top 20 richest nations this year.
The C20 Summit is a gathering of civil society representatives in Melbourne, Australia. They are meeting to discuss their priorities to take to the G20 this year. G20 leaders will meet in Brisbane from 15-16 November 2014.
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Following the C20 Summit, you can join the Anglican Alliance, Anglican Board of Mission, Anglican Overseas Aid, and Micah Challenge, in an online advocacy webinar on Tuesday 24th June 2014.
Anglican churches and agencies will join the Anglican Alliance in a campaign to be launched next week, which will make sure faith-based voices are heard by world leaders at the G20, and call on them to put climate change on the agenda.
Keep your eye on our website for more details!
In the picture: Tagolyn Kabekabe at the C20 Summit in Melbourne, Australia.
Photo credit: Anglican Board of Mission – Australia.