Revised Agents of Change course piloted in Zambia and Zimbabwe

Revised Agents of Change course piloted in Zambia and Zimbabwe

The newly revised Agents of Change course was recently launched with groups in Zambia and Zimbabwe. They will be working through the material before it is evaluated and rolled out across the Anglican Communion next year. Three workshops were held, in Lusaka and...
Agents of Change workshop in Diocese of the Windward Islands

Agents of Change workshop in Diocese of the Windward Islands

[from ACNS] A three day workshop has taken place in Kingstown, the capital of St Vincent and the Grenadines, aimed at helping people set up a development project in their local community,  as part of the ‘Agents of Change’ programme.  The workshop was attended by...
Young West Indies Anglicans to be Agents of Change

Young West Indies Anglicans to be Agents of Change

Building on the success of the Church in the Province of the West Indies third Provincial Youth Gathering, held in Grenada from 16 to 23 July, the Province and the Anglican Alliance hosted two in-depth training events for 30 young people from across the West Indies....