
Refugees in Europe: how can the Church help?

30 Sep 2016

The Anglican Alliance’s next global webinar will discuss the Church’s response to the refugee crisis in Europe. You are invited to join the conversation online at 10am UK time on Thursday 13th October 2016.

Register to join the webinar here.

Presenters from churches in Europe and the United States will discuss local church responses to refugees and migrants arriving in their communities.

You will also have the opportunity to ask questions and share your thoughts on the refugee crisis and how the Church can best respond.

Register to join the webinar here.

The webinar will follow a consultation in Cologne, Germany, organised by the Church of England Diocese in Europe and USPG with the Anglican Alliance. This will bring together representatives from across Europe to reflect on their ministries to refugees and migrants, share learning, and think about how they can best respond to the evolving situation.

Chaplaincies and parishes across Europe have been reaching out to refugees and migrants both through short-term humanitarian aid initiatives and longer-term efforts to integrate those settling in their communities.

Representatives from the Episcopal Congregation in Europe and Episcopal Migration Ministries of The Episcopal Church in the United States, who help resettle 5000 refugees every year, will also be present to share their insights and experience.

Sessions will include supporting the integration of refugees in the local community, changing the narrative to create positive public opinion, and working strategically with ecumenical, government and other partners. The consultation will look particularly at the Church’s unique role in addressing the crisis.

The consultation and webinar will also provide a platform for chaplaincies to network and build connections outside of their own communities, supporting them in their ministry to refugees and migrants in Europe.

Lessons from the consultation will be shared in the online webinar. You are invited to join us online at 10am UK time on Thursday 13th October 2016 to hear more and to ask your own questions about the Church’s response to the refugee crisis in Europe. Register to join the webinar here.