
Protecting victims of modern slavery – join us in prayer and action this May

01 May 2018

This month’s theme for Freedom Year is about recognising victims of modern slavery and reporting this to the appropriate agencies who can rescue them.  They also need protection from being re-trafficked.

The first step to stopping human trafficking is to spot it.  There are a number of signs that can help us to identify a situation where people are being used as slaves:

  • There may be signs of physical abuse, or they may seem anxious, fearful or lack self-esteem
  • They may seem to be bonded by debt or have money deducted from their salary
  • They may have little or no contact with their family or loved ones due to the removal of their passports and restriction of movement
  • They may be reluctant to seek help and seem frightened to talk to strangers or the authorities

Spot the Signs

Find out how to spot the signs of human trafficking and modern slavery, and think about where you might spot them in your local area.

Find Out More

Create a list of helplines and local services that are available for people looking to help those trapped in modern slavery in your local area.

Always Keep Safe

Traffickers are dangerous criminals. Don’t rush in to rescue a person. This may put both the victim and yourself at risk. Speak to local authorities or NGOs who can give proper support to help the victim.

Providing Protection

Does your church have gifts or capacity to help protect victims of trafficking and help prevent them from being re-trafficked?  Can you help in the provision of community-based care, safe houses, meeting immediate needs, shelter and long term rehabilitation, reunification and repatriation or resettlement? Find out what is needed in your locality and how you can join in.

Pray The Freedom Prayer 

Voice 1: On this holy ground of worship In this sacred place of prayer We have heard the voice of freedom Crying ‘Let my people go.’

All: Father/God of freedom, Who leads us into life, Deliver us from every evil: And make of us Deliverers of others.

Voice 2: Where chains restrain God’s chosen children, Where humans trade in kin and skin, May our words pass on your promise, Of a land where liberty is sweet.

All: Father/God of freedom, Who leads us into life, Deliver us from every evil: And make of us Deliverers of others.

Voice 3: Give us faith to face the Pharaohs, Who line their pockets from this plague. Send us as salvation’s sponsors, Willing servants; slaves to love.

All: Father/God of freedom, Who leads us into life, Deliver us from every evil: And make of us Deliverers of others. Amen


Please share your stories of prayer and action with us:

Image: We See You © The Clewer Initiative