Mision Anglicana Solidaridad (Madrid)



The Reformed Episcopal Church of Spain (E-P to the Archbishop of Canterbury)


The Reformed Episcopal Church of Spain


To provide food, clothing and legal advice for immigrants, extending pastoral care for the needs of those who are out of work or unable to work, helping the elderly and people who are suffering from discrimination. 



We have three different kinds of activities that take place in most of the locations.  We have a group that meets during the middle of the week for older people.  In these meetings we usually pray together, provide some entertainment and some food.  Secondly, on the weekend, we have our food distribution and church service.  The service in Madrid has lively music to accompany the liturgy.  The musicians are people that first came seeking food.  In Madrid, on average, for example, we have 300 people in attendance.  Thirdly, we have a part-time social worker who comes to some of the locations, in Mostoles or Madrid, to interview people that have different kinds of necessities. The social services extend to activities that occur two times during the year, in many of the locations, where we offer courses on how to find jobs or how to become better in your present job or how to make a resume.



26,000 people over Spain receive help from the church. 65 volunteers are involved in this work over Spain. 62,000 kilos of food are distributed in the different locations. 3,000 pieces of clothing are distributed. Many of the people that first came only for a bag of food are now regularly attending the churches either as congregants or as volunteers.

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