The Church of the Province of Central Africa
Eastern Zambia
- Integrating into the mainstream young women and girls involved in commercial sex work.
- Providing pastoral care and support for the hard to reach.
- Running support systems such as training in skills for tailoring, jewelry making, poultry rearing and peanut butter making so people can generate an income.
- Engaging hard to reach people, including former sex workers who are considered the most at risk populations into training programmes in sustainable livelihood and survival skills.
- Running a child focused programme and an integrated health and development model.
Our outcomes include:
- Supporting 415 orphans and vulnerable children in primary and secondary school and colleges
- Improving sanitation for 1,200 pupils in two schools through the construction of 35 ventilated improved pit latrines.
- Providing safe and clean drinking water to 400 households
- Empowering 640 women in social, economic and political development, which has enhanced household economic status for female-headed households
- Supporting 600 people living with HIV
- 100 girls withdrawn from commercial sex work
- 80 fish farmers trained and empowered for sustainable livelihood.
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