The Episcopal Church of the Sudan
We are trying to:
1) Provide education to children who are in need
2) Teach children Christian faith principles and ethics in such schools
3) To train teachers to a desired standard and qualification
4) To construct primary school buildings
The local community has tried to construct schools with local materials since the middle of the nineties. In fact many communities are using big tree shades as classes. Local men or women have volunteered to teach their brothers and sisters. The standard of these volunteers’ teachers is indeed wanting. But what choice does the local community have? They have no alternative.
It is our hope that once we have adequate funding the head teacher will do the purchasing of learning materials in Kenya Uganda or Sudan after scrutiny of the list. This should be done between January and March, the holiday months of South Sudan schools. The schools resume learning in the new classes on 1st April yearly. Transport to South Sudan at this part of the year can be by land from East Africa since roads are dry and passable. Roads become waterlogged after May and land transport becomes difficult.
The head teacher and supervisor of the project are to organize in-service training during the long holidays. All the teachers will have to be in place for the training in time.
Hiring of the trainers and their transportation to site, accommodation and feeding are to be coordinated well with donor. The training should begin in the first week of January and ends in the first week of April.
The project supervisor shall coordinate with donor concerning construction of school buildings. The school shall have eight classes plus administration block, store, dining hall, latrines ad teachers’ houses. It is envisaged that the school construction shall be phased in 3 – 4 years.
Donations of books from any English speaking country will be highly welcomed. The donor can help in that regard.