Oceans of Plastic is a resource to help children understand the wonders of God’s oceans, the harm plastic causes and the actions we all need to take to protect the oceans and the creatures that live in them.
The material can be used at any time of the year, but is particularly suitable for:
- World Environment Day: 5 June
- World Oceans Day: 8 June
- Season of Creation: 1 September – 4 October
- World Clean Up Day: 15 September
- Anytime you have a clean up in your programme!
- Anytime you are exploring the Anglican 5 Marks of Mission. The fifth mark is:
To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth
Written by Rachel Mash, Oceans of Plastic is a co-production of the Anglican Communion Environmental Network, Green Anglicans and the Anglican Alliance.
You can download the resource by clicking the link in the Resources box on the right.
Turtle image: with thanks to Sally Torr. Copyright Sally Torr 2018, Instagram: @sallytorr_art