The Anglican Alliance invites you all to join a one-hour global webinar on 24th September 2014 to discuss climate justice and the role we can play to ensure that high-level commitments on climate change policy are seen to make a difference on the ground. We will ask the questions, ‘What is climate change? Why does it matter? What can ensure climate justice?’ We will discuss together the part we can all play in ensuring a sustainable environment
‘Climate Change – Where’s the Justice?’ will follow the United Nation’s (UN) Climate Summit in New York, which is taking place on 23rd September, and the interfaith events taking place in New York in the days before. The webinar will bring in outcomes and discussions from these high-level meetings, and look at what these outcomes mean for us in our local contexts.
Representatives from churches and organisations across the world will come together to unpack the issues and take part in a question and answer session where you will have the chance to put your questions to climate experts and those involved in the New York meetings. All are invited to join – and we are especially welcoming the participation of young adults.
You are all invited to join the webinar discussion – just click this link on Wednesday 24th September at 1pm GMT (9am New York, 2pm London, 4pm Nairobi, 9pm Hong Kong). The session will last one hour in total. If you would like to know what time the webinar will take place in your town or city please email us at anglicanalliance@aco.org and we will be in touch with the details.
We are also encouraging groups to get together before or after the webinar to hold a discussion on climate justice. If you would like to arrange one of these group discussions, please get in touch with us at anglicanalliance@aco.org and we will send suggested questions to guide the session.
Tagolyn Kabekabe, Anglican Alliance Regional Facilitator for the Pacific, will join us through a video link as she takes forward the Oceans of Justice campaign for climate justice in the Pacific. The G20 – the meeting of the leaders of the top 20 richest nations in November 2014 – is drawing closer and Pacific Islanders are campaigning, alongside the Anglican churches and agencies in Australia, to have their voices heard. Tagolyn will outline the immediate effects of climate change being felt in the Pacific and how Islanders are adapting to their changing environment.
Revd Fletcher Harper, Director of the GreenFaith Initiative, speaking from New York, will unpack climate change and talk about why it is an issue that matters to us today. He will discuss interfaith initiatives to combat climate change and examples of inter-faith advocacy for climate justice.
Paulo Ueti, Anglican Alliance Regional Facilitator for Latin America and the Caribbean, will give his perspective on the climate change events in New York. He will encourage us to think about the significance of such events and how we can use such high-level meetings as opportunities to have our voices heard.
Bishop Paul Sarker, Moderator of the Church of Bangladesh, will inspire us with stories from his region on the ways in which the Church is tackling climate change. He will also talk about the Eco-Bishops initative to highlight the role Anglicans can play in environmental justice.
A speaker from South Africa will chair the discussion – she is to be confirmed.
You are all invited to join and submit your questions for the panel to discuss, and to make contributions to the discussion through the webinar chat box.
Webinar centres
Hubs will be established in Dhaka, Bangladesh; Nairobi, Kenya; London, UK; New York, USA; and Johannesburg, South Africa – if you are in any of these places and would like to connect to the webinar centre please contact us at anglicanalliance@aco.org
And if you would like to set up a centre in your town or city for people to gather and take part in the webinar, do let us know – the webinar is open to all. We look forward to seeing you online!
Join our webinar on Wednesday 24th September 2014 at 1pm GMT at: https://workcast.adobeconnect.com/_a852896472/anglican