The Anglican Alliance has launched a new resource to help churches respond to modern slavery and human trafficking. The updated Freedom Sunday resource gives practical guidance on how churches can help tackle these twin evils through prayer, worship and action.
“In the eyes of God each human being is a free person, whether girl, boy, woman or man, and is destined to exist for the good of all in equality and fraternity. Modern slavery, in terms of human trafficking, forced labour and prostitution, organ trafficking, and any relationship that fails to respect the fundamental conviction that all people are equal and have the same freedom and dignity, is a crime against humanity.” Joint Declaration of Religious Leaders Against Modern Slavery, 2014
A Historic Day
Ten years ago, on 2nd December 2014, a historic event took place at the Vatican. Hosted by Pope Francis, global faith leaders united in signing the Joint Declaration to End Modern Slavery. Anglican, Catholic, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Jewish and Orthodox faith leaders gathered to sign the declaration and pledge their commitment to working together in order to eradicate modern slavery and human trafficking globally.
The 2nd December also marks the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, remembering the date that the UN General Assembly adopted the United Nations Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others on 2nd December 1949. This day is remembered every year to raise awareness of forms of modern slavery and human trafficking that continue to exploit individuals across the world.
Freedom Sunday Resource
To mark the ten year anniversary since the faith leaders declaration, the Anglican Alliance have released an updated Freedom Sunday online resource. Freedom Sunday invites churches to dedicate a service to worship, prayer and action against modern slavery and human trafficking.
The resource is available to download here. It provides bible readings, a sermon guide, prayer, hymns, and information on human trafficking as well as resources and ideas about how you could respond. Case studies highlight examples of how churches are working to take action against human trafficking on the ground, including working with the Mothers’ Union in Tanzania to support women vulnerable to trafficking, churches in the UK using their buildings to house victims and Anglican Sisters in the Solomon Islands supporting survivors.
Freedom Sunday can be marked on any Sunday of the year. Freedom Sunday provides an opportunity to begin raising awareness of the issue with congregations and to think about how exploitation could be prevalent in their local communities. The most important thing we can do to mark Freedom Sunday is pray.
Ten Years on
Today, there are an estimated 50 million victims of modern slavery globally, an increase of approximately 15 million victims since 2014. Modern slavery and human trafficking are one of the fastest growing crimes in the world. Increasing levels of poverty and displacement due to conflict and climate change are contributing towards growing levels of vulnerability to exploitation. They are becoming increasingly hidden crimes; amongst a global outcry of injustices it is important that we continue to draw people’s attention to plight of victims across the world.
Since 2014, The Anglican Alliance has been working across the Anglican Communion and with partner agencies to help churches take action against modern slavery and human trafficking through holding regional consultations, online training courses, awareness raising and facilitating communities of practice. Churches are excellently placed within local communities to be able to respond through their position on the ground. Informed church members are well placed to spot the signs of modern day slavery. They are able to see the key vulnerabilities and issues impacting their community and can form relationships with local organisations and agencies to take action.
We invite you to join with us in using the Freedom Sunday resource to continue raising awareness of those impacted by exploitation around the world. As we look ahead towards the next ten years, we pray for a world where modern slavery and human trafficking will be unable to thrive.
We would love to hear about how you use the resource and any action you take. Please get in touch with us at and tag us on social media @anglicanalliance #FreedomSunday