Climate action calls faith community to be a part of global, historic movement on climate change

8 September 2014

Climate change is not an event that will happen somewhere in the distant future. It’s happening right now, with devastating consequences for some of the world’s most vulnerable people. It is one of the most pressing issues of our time, and Christians around the world are standing alongside people of all faiths to raise our voices and call for action.

Speaking ahead of the summit, Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, said: “Solutions exist and we are already seeing significant changes in government policies and investments in sustainable ways of living and doing business. The race is on, and now is the time for leaders to step up and steer the world towards a safer future.”

Here is an overview of some of the campaigns, events and resources that are being shared across the faith community for people all over the world to get involved and have their voices heard.

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Climate change – Where’s the Justice?

The Anglican Alliance is hosting a global webinar on Wednesday 24th September at 1pm GMT.  We will ask the questions, ‘What is climate change? Why does it matter? What can ensure climate justice?’  All are invited to listen to presenters from every region of the Anglican Communion on their experiences of the impact of climate change, and all participants are welcome to contribute their thoughts and questions in a further discussion. The webinar will follow the United Nation’s Climate Summit in New York, which is taking place on 23rd September, and the interfaith events taking place in New York in the days before.

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Oceans of Justice  

If you haven’t yet signed our Oceans of Justice petition, sign now!  Pacific Islanders are calling for all of our support as they ask the Australian Government to put climate change on the G20 agenda, when the leaders of the top 20 richest nations will meet in Brisbane in November this year.  In the Pacific, which is Australia’s neighbourhood, rising oceans are poisoning agricultural land, washing away homes, and forcing people to abandon islands their people have lived on for thousands of years.  Sign the Oceans of Justice petition and make sure the voices of the Pacific are heard.

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People’s Climate March

Sunday 21st September 2014 is the day to ‘bend the course of history’.  Heads of state from around the world will be meeting at the UN Climate Summit in New York, and hundreds of thousands of global citizens will march through the streets of towns and cities across the world to demand from them action on climate change.

See how faith groups are mobilising in New York at

And watch this video for more information.

Tackling climate change is an issue of justice. The poorest and most vulnerable are often the hardest hit by pollution and climate change as they cannot easily move away or adapt. At home, they are on the front lines of the problem, but at the People’s Climate March they will be on the front lines of a solution.

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Our Voices ‘Climate Chorus’

At the same time as the global march, Our Voices is asking churches and places of worship around the world to make a chorus of sound on Sunday 21st September 2014 at 1pm in your time zone.  Our Voices calls on faith communities to add our voices to and make a “prayerful sound outdoors, ring their bells, chimes or gong, sound their shofar, offer a call to prayer, chant a mantra, or have another outdoor spiritual observance.”

You can register your event here: Ring your church bells, add your voice online and join the chorus for action on climate change!

Our Voices is a multi-faith movement to bring millions of voices from people of all faiths and moral beliefs to the UN Climate talks in Paris in December 2015.  In Paris, world leaders are expected to finalise a meaningful agreement for action on climate change.  The meeting in New York this month is to heighten their resolve to do this.  This is a pivotal moment for the future of the world – for the whole of creation – as climate change threatens both people and planet.

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Season of Creation

“Sleeper awake!” is the opening call of the Anglican resource for the Season of Creation, which is the third in a series published by the Anglican Church in Southern Africa.  The resource has sermon notes and liturgical materials covering the themes of climate change, eco-justice, water, creation and redemption and biodiversity.

The Anglican Communion Environmental Network (ACEN) has also published these resources for Sunday School children to mark the Season of Creation.  The aim of the manual is to build healthy relationships with God, each other and all creation. “We want the children to understand and appreciate the inter-relationships and mutual interdependence of all life on earth, that we are part of a ‘web of life’.”

Throughout the Season of Creation, which runs from the 1st September to the 4th October, ACEN will post events, resources, stories and articles.  This will include a feature on St Francis and Mahatma Gandhi, reports from the People’s Climate March in New York City on 21st September, and links to a webcast of the ‘Religions for the Earth Multifaith Service’ at the Cathedral of St John the Divine on that evening.

Christian Concern for One World have also published resources for the Time for Creation.  The season offers space in the church year to celebrate and give thanks for God’s gift of creation and to pray and take action as stewards of it.

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How are you joining the call for climate action?

Let us know how you are getting involved, which events you are organising or taking part in, and how you are using the resources for your church and community.   Connect with us on our Facebook and Twitter pages or send an email to

Take action at home and in your church

We have a personal responsibility to care for our world.  As Anglicans we ‘strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth’ (from the Five Marks of Mission).  More information on how you can be a leader for the environment, care for creation, and be a part of the global movement to combat climate change can be found through these links:

Anglican Communion Environmental Network

Green Anglicans


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In the picture: Kenyan environmental and political campaigner Wangari Muta Maathai by Bob Mash
Photo credit: Bob Mash