“Reach every victim of trafficking. Leave no one behind” – United Nations 2023 World Day against Trafficking in Persons In recognition of this World Day, we want to share with you stories of the work of faith communities in responding to the horror of human trafficking. Prevention of trafficking and care for the survivors are […]
A blog post by Nicholas Pande, Anglican Alliance Disaster Resilience & Response Adviser Friends, please join me in prayer and lament for the children lost in recent tragedies disasters and atrocities. My heart is breaking and my soul rages at the tragic and horrific loss of innocent young lives. A deadly shipwreck off the coast […]
The Anglican Alliance is delighted to announce the appointment of its new East Asia Facilitator, Dr Gay Manodon. Dr Gay was commissioned today by the Chair of the Council of Church in East Asia, Prime Bishop Brent Alawas. The service at the Episcopal Cathedral of St Mary and St John in Manila was also a […]
Since its launch last August, the Communion Forest has caught people’s imaginations across the Anglican Communion. From Canada to the Solomon Islands and everywhere in between, the Communion Forest team is hearing about action being taken by Anglicans on tree growing and ecosystem conservation, protection and restoration. The Communion Forest team is blessed with two […]
O mundo acaba de testemunhar o ciclone mais duradouro e enérgico da história registada. O ciclone Freddy durou 38 dias e fez quatro aterros sanitários em três países. Matou centenas, feriu milhares, arrasou casas, estradas e escolas e destruiu meios de subsistência em Madagáscar, Moçambique e Malawi. Apesar da devastação, a Igreja em cada país […]
Le monde vient d’assister au cyclone le plus long et le plus énergique de l’histoire. Le cyclone Freddy a duré 38 jours et a touché terre à quatre reprises dans trois pays. Il a fait des centaines de morts, des milliers de blessés, emporté des maisons, des routes et des écoles et détruit les moyens […]
The world has just witnessed the longest lasting and most energetic cyclone in recorded history. Cyclone Freddy lasted 38 days and made four landfalls in three countries. It has killed hundreds, injured thousands, swept away homes, roads and schools and destroyed livelihoods in Madagascar, Mozambique, and Malawi. Despite the devastation, the Church in each country […]
“Maputo-Capital was most severely hit – but it is not only bad news because on the other hand we witness a lot of internal solidarity and action from different spheres of society, ranging from churches, business companies, associations and others coming together to help. The National Institute for Disaster Management is also coordinating actions in […]
Una vez cada tres años se celebra una reunión del Consejo Consultivo Anglicano (CCA), a la que se invita a representantes de cada una de las 42 provincias (iglesias miembros) de la Comunión Anglicana. Durante el tiempo que pasan juntos, los miembros oran, hacer adoración, estudian la Biblia y debaten asuntos de interés mutuo. El […]
Uma vez a cada três anos, há uma reunião do Conselho Consultivo Anglicano (CCA), uma reunião para a qual são convidados representantes de cada uma das 42 províncias (igrejas-membro) da Comunhão Anglicana. Durante seu tempo juntos, os membros oram, celebram, estudam a Bíblia e discutem assuntos de interesse mútuo. O CCA é um órgão consultivo, […]