Ejército de Salvación y las personas participantes de la Iglesia Anglicana de América Central y América del Sur se reúnen a partir del 6 – 10 de noviembre en Brasilia, Brasil para colaborar y aprender unos de otros para poner fin a la trata de personas. 29 participantes se han reunido a partir de 14 […]
The newly revised Agents of Change course was recently launched with groups in Zambia and Zimbabwe. They will be working through the material before it is evaluated and rolled out across the Anglican Communion next year. Three workshops were held, in Lusaka and Livingstone in Zambia, and in Bulawayo in Zimbabwe, to introduce students to […]
Here’s the latest update from the Renew Our World campaign. Read on for how you can take action for climate justice and join us in prayer before the next UN Climate talks in November. Something big is happening in the next few days. And you can be part of it. Right now, bishops, musicians and human […]
The Clewer Initiative, which was set up to engage the Church of England in fighting modern slavery and human trafficking, was launched last week at Lambeth Palace. The initiative has been endorsed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and the UK Prime Minister, Theresa May. The Prime Minister said, “Modern slavery is a barbaric […]
Five archbishops have written an open letter to global leaders ahead of the UN Climate Change conference (COP23), which is being held in Bonn, Germany, in November. The letter calls for stronger action on climate change, which the archbishops say is “hitting the most vulnerable communities” the hardest. They said, “We urge each nation’s leaders […]
On International Disaster Preparedness Day, Nagulan Nesiah, Senior Program Officer for Disaster Risk Reduction at Episcopal Relief & Development, speaks about the strength of prepared communities responding to disasters, and shares the Spanish, Portuguese and French versions of the Pastors and Disasters Toolkit. You can download the toolkits below and find ways to equip your church, parish […]
Freedom Sunday is being marked on 15 October 2017 by churches in the UK and Europe. It is an opportunity to build understanding of human trafficking, learn how to respond, and dedicate ourselves to prayer and advocacy to see the end of modern slavery and human trafficking around the world. The Freedom Sunday resource has been developed, with […]
With material from a Melanesian Mission press release. Solomon Islanders are highlighting the impact of climate change on their nation in collaborative research with the University of Southampton in the UK and Melanesian Mission. A recent visit to the UK by church members from the Solomon Islands brought together the scientific research of the University […]
El Obispo de la Ciudad de México, Carlos Touché-Porter, ha contactado Anglican Alliance para agradecer la Comunión Anglicana por sus oraciones y atención por los efectos del terremoto de 7.1 puntos de la Escala Richter, lo cual afectó gravemente la Ciudad de México en los días pasados. El terremoto devastador ha provocado mucha destrucción en […]
The Bishop of Mexico, Rt Revd Carlos Touché-Porter, has written to the Anglican Alliance to thank the Anglican Communion for their prayers and concern following the magnitude 7.1 earthquake, which hit Mexico City last week. The devastating quake caused damage in the states of Puebla and Morelos and in the Greater Mexico City area, killing 342 people and injuring more than […]