“It is great to see the commitment to mutual knowledge.” “It is very transformative – coming together with the same objective from different countries and churches, with a meeting of energies.” “Sharing skills and experience, we are both giving and receiving.” “The meeting was a great opportunity to connect and strengthen the involvement of the […]
“Es genial ver el compromiso con el conocimiento mutuo”. “Es muy transformador: unirnos con el mismo objetivo de diferentes países e iglesias, con una reunión de energías”. “Compartir habilidades y experiencia, damos y recibimos”. “La reunión fue una gran oportunidad para conectar y fortalecer la participación de la iglesia local en el trabajo de prevención […]
Members of the Anglican Communion are participating in a range of initiatives during the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (GBV), which begin on 25 November and end on 10 December 2017. Anglicans are joining ecumenical partners to mark the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence in a campaign called ‘Precious in God’s […]
A recent survey by seven Anglican agencies has gathered Anglican views on the United Nation’s (UN) Sustainable Development Goals to prompt discussion and encourage churches to take action toward achieving the 17 goals. The survey was led by USPG, in collaboration with the Anglican Alliance, Anglican Board of Mission, Episcopal Relief & Development, Mothers’ Union, […]
On Anti-Slavery Day, which was held on Wednesday 18th October 2017 in the UK, the diocese of Bath and Wells hosted three events in partnership with The Clewer Initiative. The Clewer Initiative is a project set up by the Church of England to engage churches across the UK in the fight against human trafficking and […]
Boas vindas ao Domingo pela Liberdade! A Aliança Anglicana contextualizou os materiais originalmente desenvolvidos no e para o Reino Unido e convida as igrejas através da Comunhão Anglicana espalhadas pelo mundo a se envolver e permanecer em oração e entrar em ação a partir do “Domingo pela Liberdade”. “Se nós quisermos enfrentar esse mal, nós […]
Bienvenido al Domingo de la Libertad! La Alianza Anglicana ha adaptado el recurso elaborado para el Domingo de la Libertad en el Reino Unido, e invita a las iglesias de toda la Comunión Anglicana en todo el mundo a celebrar y a participar con la oración y la acción en el Domingo de la Libertad. “Si […]
Bienvenue au Dimanche de la Liberté! L’Alliance Anglicane a adapté la ressource du Dimanche de la Liberté britannique et invite les églises de l’ensemble de la communion anglicane mondiale a participer par la prière et l’action au Dimanche de la Liberté. « Pour combattre ce mal, nous devons travailler ensemble pour prévenir le crime, soutenir les […]
The Anglican Alliance has launched a new international resource for churches to mark Freedom Sunday this year. You can download the resources using the links below. The resource is available in Spanish, Portuguese, French and English, and is based on the UK version of the resource, which was developed by a coalition of churches, agencies […]
The Anglican Church in Sri Lanka has been engaging in disaster preparedness training to help communities respond to the increasing natural disasters affecting the country. In many dioceses this has lead to a deep connection with local communities and the desire to broaden community empowerment and development in other areas. Janice Proud, Anglican Alliance relief […]