A year after the pandemic was declared, Covid-19 continues to have devastating impacts across the world. Persistence of the virus, fresh waves of infections and the emergence of variants mean people across the world continue to live with the heart-breaking loss of loved ones, liberty and livelihoods. Vaccines offer the best hope of a way […]
On this World Health Day, we are delighted to announce the launch of the Anglican Health and Community Network (AHCN), following the formal approval of its formation by the Anglican Consultative Council’s Standing Committee in February. Deputy Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, the Revd Dr Will Adam, welcomed the network’s launch, saying, “For more than […]
“Vivenciar minha fé cristã é seguir Jesus. Isso deve incluir nos colocarmos ao lado das pessoas mais vulneráveis e marginalizadas na linha de frente da emergência climática. Como comunidades de fé, minha oração é para que possamos ficar juntas/os, emissárias/os da esperança e do amor, clamando pela justiça de Deus e pela paz neste precioso mundo. Agora é a […]
“Vivir mi fe cristiana es seguir a Jesús. Eso debe incluir estar junto a las personas más vulnerables y marginadas en la primera línea de la emergencia climática. Como comunidades de fe, mi oración es que podamos permanecer unidas/os, emisarias/os de esperanza y amor, pidiendo la justicia y la paz de Dios en este precioso mundo. Ahora […]
“We are delighted that the VaccinAid campaign to ‘Give the World a Shot’ has been launched by UNICEF UK. We hope that as a public fundraising campaign it will gather momentum to support the global vaccination efforts, especially reaching the most vulnerable to provide protection from Covid. The Church has played a key role in […]
“To live out my Christian faith is to follow Jesus. That must include standing alongside the most vulnerable and marginalised on the frontlines of the climate emergency. As faith communities, my prayer is that we might stand together, emissaries of hope and love, calling for God’s justice and peace upon this precious world. Now is […]
“There is an urgent need to embrace the values of Indigenous Peoples’ worldviews and turn from a mindset of extraction to one of relationship with Nature”. From: Building Forward Better – Action is Urgently Needed, the Joint Global Statement from Major Groups and other Stakeholders to the fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly, […]
This year, 2021, is a critical one for the world to take action on climate change and protect the integrity of creation. Major global events are scheduled, which will shape the world’s environmental agenda for the coming years. The decisions that are made – and the actions that follow – will determine what kind of […]
It is with profound sorrow that we share the news of the death of Bishop Ellinah Wamukoya of the Diocese of Swaziland on Tuesday from Covid-19. Bishop Ellinah cared deeply and worked tirelessly for creation care, chairing the Anglican Communion Environmental Network (ACEN) for many years. Just last month she shared her vision and experience […]
“Jesus Christ calls us to love our neighbour as ourselves. Getting the vaccine is part of that commandment: we can show our love for each other by keeping each other safe from this terrible disease. To everyone in this country and around the world, I want to say please, please accept the invitation to get […]