
Agents of Change success continues

15 Jan 2014

Agents of Change programmes are getting ready to launch as over sixty students begin their studies this month. Anglicans around the world are eager to start the innovative programme, following the success of global pilot programmes last year.  

Student groups in Bangladesh, Canada, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe will begin their programmes in January, demonstrating the relevance and accessibility of Agents of Change to every region of the Communion.  

Six modules – Consultation, Inclusion, Protection, Governance, Finance and Work Programming – take students through the key areas of setting up a development project.  The modules aim to empower people in developing countries to reach out and meet the needs of their local communities. 

Projects set up by Agents of Change graduates last year included a motorbike ambulance project, building schools, homeless outreach and economic empowerment for women.

The Anglican Alliance are launching new student groups every six months, in January and July each year.  A full evaluation of last year’s programmes resulted in updated workbooks and USB flashdrives for the students, and the Alliance are working continually with the Open University to ensure the programme remains relevant and accessible for Anglicans worldwide.

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