
A fond farewell and a warm welcome as the Executive Directorship of the Anglican Alliance changes hands

21 Oct 2024

The Anglican Alliance’s beloved outgoing Executive Director, Revd. Canon Rachel Carnegie, stepped down from her role on Friday at last week’s in-person Board meeting in Dubai. Her successor, Robert Dawes, was welcomed with joy and celebration as he formally stepped into the role and joined the Anglican Alliance family as the new Executive Director. The Board meeting was held at Christ Church, Jebel Ali, where the warmth of the hospitality offered by the Reverend Jim Young and his team, along with the presence of the new bishop of Cyprus and the Gulf, the Right Reverend Sean Semple, provided the perfect setting for the transition.

Farewell to Rachel
Rachel has been the Executive Director for ten years, but her involvement with the Anglican Alliance goes back much further. It was while Rachel served as the International Development Secretary to then Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, that the vision for the Anglican Alliance began to take shape, coming to fruition in 2011.

For his sermon at the closing eucharist of the Board meeting, the Chair of the Anglican Alliance, Archbishop Albert Chama, Primate of the Province of Central Africa, preached on Isaiah 6: 1-8 and 2 Timothy 4: 7-9, drawing especially on the theme of calling, response and faithfully fulfilling the undertaking. Drawing comparisons with Rachel’s leadership of the Anglican Alliance, he highlighted the verses: Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8) and I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith (2 Timothy 4: 7). Reflecting on Rachel’s exceptional leadership, Archbishop Albert said, “You have touched so many lives, globally and in the Church. You may not know this yourself, but many, many people – who you might never know but through this work of the Anglican Alliance as Executive Director – so many lives have been touched, changed, transformed…. Today the Alliance is known globally. We say thank you.”

The Ven. Kofi deGraft Johnson, General Secretary of the Council of Anglican Provinces in Africa (CAPA), presents Rachel with a laving gift from CAPA. Image: Jit Bhattarrai.


Reginald Robertson, Board Member representing the Anglican Communion Youth Network, presents Rachel with a citation of honour. Image: Jit Bhattarrai.

Reflecting on her time with the Anglican Alliance, Rachel said, “I have absolutely loved every moment of my time at the Anglican Alliance and now hand it on with confidence in its future. I will continue to serve the Anglican Communion as I am called and will combine this with a part-time role as chaplain at All Souls College Oxford.”

“The great delight of leading the Anglican Alliance is the daily interaction with the superb global team. All are leaders in their own right, working on regional facilitation and global thematic issues. When we come together it is an extraordinary joy and inspiration to hear the diversity of perspectives and wisdom from across the world, in a space of deep respect, fellowship and mutuality. The same is true of the Anglican Alliance board meetings, with informed and experienced trustees drawn from across the Communion.”

Asked what she was most proud of in her time at the Alliance, Rachel said, “While I take great delight in many things, there are three things that stand out.

“First, our response to the Covid crisis. When the pandemic struck in early 2020, the Anglican Alliance immediately mobilised its regional and global networks to gather information on what was happening and to share learning and prayer to guide and encourage the churches’ responses. This work continued for two years, led by a global task force, to give accompaniment to national churches and to provide resources on factual information, practical responses, spiritual reflection, and coordinated advocacy. The Anglican Health and Community Network was born out of this experience.

“Second, our courses building skills and networks amongst emerging leaders. The Anglican Alliance is currently rolling out two courses globally: the Agents of Change course equipping for asset-based community development, and the Resilience course for strengthening community preparedness and disaster response. In particular, our partnership with the Anglican Communion Youth Network inspires us with the talent and vision of young Anglican leaders.

“Third, the Communion Forest. This concept was developed as a legacy of the 2022 Lambeth Conference. Since then, it has grown and flourished as a global initiative with multiple local expressions of eco-system protection, conservation and restoration. It is an act of Christian hope for renewing the life of the earth across the Anglican Communion.”

A full interview with Rachel about her time with the Anglican Alliance, from which these quotes are drawn, can be found on the Anglican Communion News Service.

Welcoming Rob
Tempering the profound sadness of Rachel’s departure was the delight and excitement of welcoming Rob to the role. As reported previously, Rob comes to the Alliance from the Mothers’ Union, where he served as the Director of Development. Rob’s warmth, wisdom and experience were evident during the board meeting as he listened and shared.

Before attending the Board meeting, Rob had attended the Council of the Church in East Asia’s conference in Manila, hosted by the Episcopal Church of the Philippines and the Iglesia Filipina Independiente (IFI).

Reflecting on starting with the Anglican Alliance, Rob said, “What a first couple of weeks, with the CCEA in the Philippines and the Board meeting! Everything I’ve seen from the outside is absolutely reflected in the work and the team and the trustees as they all came together: the ability to produce hope in some of the darkest times and help draw people together so they’re releasing other people to overcome their own challenges and helping the Church reach its amazing potential. It’s absolutely an honour to be part of this and to be working together.”

“The archbishops, bishops, lay and youth [at both the CCEA and Board] were just astounding, with such a commitment to the people they serve – and how they keep protecting them and showing that commitment to people who really are in a dark space.

“The ability of the Anglican Alliance to convene and connect and build networks – just seeing that happening with the youth and being part of their journey – was an absolute honour, and also seeing people realise that they do have power, that they can create a future and that they can make change for themselves. Also, the kindness and acceptance of other people even when we don’t agree on some quite big issues but still being willing to work together on the things that are absolutely threatening the future of a lot of people’s lives and the future of the planet as well, it’s so inspirational and hope-filled.”

Please join us in praying for Rachel, Rob, the wider staff team and the Board at this time of transition and change.